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About Agnihotra

Agni means FIRE and hotra means to offer unto the fire to create a healing effect.

Agnihotra, also known as Homa Therapy or Fire Therapy is an Vedic technique that enhances and nourishes human lives creating an equilibrium between the nature within us and around us by tuning our mind and body with rhythm of nature. It’s a process of purification whose positive results have been established by scientists, doctors, ecologists both modern and ancient. Agnihotra is a fabulous and elementary healing therapy practiced by people worldwide as it doesn’t have any religious or national nuances attached to it.

Agnihotra can be performed by anyone, anywhere, at home, in the garden, office etc in a clean and tidy environment. The process is tuned to the biorhythm corresponding with sunrise & sunset, hence Agnihotra is performed precisely at given local sunrise & sunset timings. Fire is prepared in a semi-pyramid shaped copper vessel. Two oblations of two pinch-full of rice smeared with Cow’s Ghee is offered in this fire; simultaneously two Vedic Mantras are chanted.


Mention of Agnihotra is found in Vedas, the ancient most knowledge source, known to mankind. The Vedic sciences like Yoga, Ayurvea, Agnihotra, etc practiced by Rishis or Seers are techniques which create harmony between our Mind, Body and Spirit.

H. H. Paramsadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj referred to as Shree by His followers spread all over the world, revived this technique in the modern era, from Shivpuri, India and spread this message all over the world. Agnihotra, according to Vedas, is the ancient most Upasana or a process of creating oneness between our consciousness and Universal consciousness. Practicing Agnihotra has a positive influence on body, mind, soul, & environment; and sets us on the path to attain inner balance & spiritual bliss.

Agnihotra is a purifying, healing phenomenon. Fire is known to benefit life on earth because of its ability to episodically burn solids and liquids into life enhancing gases. The good gases released while performing Agnihotra are charged with high energy and benefit human lives and other life forms in the environment.


  • Lowered stress and anxiety
  • Better output at work
  • Helps in De-Addiction
  • Improved physical well being
  • Higher motivational levels
  • Protects against radiation effects
  • Improved emotional wellbeing
  • Reduced chances of epidemic spreads
  • Better agricultural output
  • Rich and nutritious food production
  • Helps shape children's mind in a positive manner
  • Better inter personal relationships

Scientific Research


A series of tests were conducted 30 mins before and 30 mins after Agnihotra, at various locations in India. It was noted, that Agnihotra performance had a marked influence on the atmospheric values. The PM10 and PM 2.5 values decreased, levels of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Di Oxide were reduced, Oxygen levels stabilized and the levels of other pollutants like Oxides of Nitrogen and Ammonia were also reduced.


In Experiments conducted by a group of microbiologists & pathologists, the behavior of micro flora was studied in the atmosphere generated by Agnihotra. It was observed that the Agnihotra atmosphere was markedly Bacteriostatic. In it more than 96% growth of bacteria was inhibited. Agnihotra atmosphere acted as a shield in which bacteria, especially the pathogenic types were not allowed to grow. In another set of trials conducted in the highly polluted areas, similar results were noted.

In tests conducted on microbial contamination in water and soil, it was seen that Agnihotra Ash caused a 80% reduction in the count.

It was observed that there is definite reduction in aerial, water borne and soil micro flora after performing Agnihotra and addition of Agnihotra Ash.


Doctors at the Vishwa Wellness Center, at Shivpuri, studied the physiological effects of Agnihotra on the human mind and body. It was observed that during the performance of Agnihotra, the high pulse rate showed a declining trend, body temperature was lowered, High Blood pressure levels were reduced, High Blood Sugar Levels were also reduced and the Respiratory rate normalized.

The EEG showed constant changes, power in Alpha band increased, while there was a tendency of suppression in delta wave. It has been concluded that Agnihotra atmosphere has distinct beneficial effects on mind and body leading to mental tranquility and physical wellbeing.


At the Vishwa run schools we have noticed marked difference in children performing Agnihotra. The effects of Agnihotra atmosphere on the minds of children are excellent.

Agnihotra instills a feeling of positivity in them. Children with special needs tend to calm down and respond much more favorably to their treatment in Agnihotra atmosphere

Children have been known to concentrate more easily on their studies in this atmosphere. It has been seen that the capacity to focus increases as well. Children have also shown higher resistance to diseases and have shown excellent growth parameters.


Countless individuals hailing from all walks of life and all parts of the world confirm unanimously that Agnihotra has brought a new dawn of peace, contentment and fulfillment in their lives. Enhanced levels of confidence and motivation are experienced by all of them with the practice of Agnihotra. They all have shared a feedback that Agnihotra helped them find a new level of inner peace and happiness.


Practice of Agnihotra has been found useful in drug and alcohol de-addiction programs.

A study was conducted with alcohol and drug abuse victims. It was observed, 80% participants wanted to give up addiction completely. 70% were regretful of having taken up addiction and 85% of the participants never went back to any addiction. Interestingly, 65% participants wanted to help fellow addicts get out of the habit.

They all said that Agnihotra gave them positive strength to the mind and enhanced motivation to quit the addiction.


Agnihotra Ash was added to contaminated and polluted water placed in beakers. It was seen that the ash helped to lower the PH levels, reduced pathogen count and hardness.


Agnihotra ash and its resultant atmosphere are being employed as useful in Ecological and Organic Farming practices. Hundreds of farmers are regularly practicing Agnihotra farming methods. The fruits, vegetables and grains grown by this method are qualitatively better in texture, taste and size as compared to controlled farms where regular use of pesticides and fertilizers is done. Agnihotra atmosphere induces rapid seed germination. The shoot growth is better and the root strength is also improved. Agnihotra ash is an effective fertilizer and helps in releasing soluble phosphate from the soil and improves nitrogen fixation.


A study was conducted where 50 gms of radioactive rice grains were immersed in a solution of Agnihotra Ash and water for 15 days. On Day One the grains showed a count of up to 200 Bq/Kg. On the 15th day the radiation levels had dropped down to 3 Bq/Kg.


Researchers working in the area of Kirilian photography concluded that the aura of plants and human hand prints changed from high stress levels to an aura of tranquility.

A lot of information has been gathered on the effects of Agnihotra. But we cannot say yet that we have understood all the aspects of the impact Agnihotra has on our lives. We are not saying we have all the answers. There is, of course, a lot more to learn and understand. Many more research projects are being planned and many are already under way.

Agnihotra has proved to be not just a practice, but a complete Holistic lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that is in tune with the rhythms of nature and helps us create balance within ourselves.

  • Lower stress and anxiety levels
  • Improve physical and emotional well being
  • Lower effects of pollution
  • Improve confidence, concentration and focus
  • Higher motivational levels
  • Helps in De-Addiction
  • Reduces chances of epidemic spreads
  • Protects against radiation effects
  • Better agricultural output
  • Rich and nutritious food production
  • Helps shape children’s mind in a positive manner
  • Better inter personal relationships
  • Helps in conservation of nature